Company - 28.05.2024

Construction work is on track

Akustik & Raum AG is expected to move into the modern new building in Vordemwald in autumn 2025. The company has high hopes for the improved conditions and the larger production area and is optimistic about the future.

Since last autumn, the new Akustik & Raum AG building has been under construction in Vordemwald, just a few kilometres from the current site in Olten. The forward-looking new building became necessary because the production capacity in the Olten industrial estate had been reached. At the new site, the company has 5000 m2 of production space and an extended office wing at its disposal. As Managing Director Markus Bürgi confirms, the company is delighted with the progress made since the ground-breaking ceremony last autumn: ‘The construction work is on track and we are confident that production can start in the new hall in autumn 2025 as planned.’

The sustainable supporting structure is built in June

Currently, 20 to 30 construction workers are making visible progress on the large construction site every day. Assembly of the supporting structure, which is one of the special features of the new building and is made entirely from sustainable timber, will begin in June. The contracts for operating equipment and machinery have also already been awarded. ‘The energy of our future location can already be felt in the empty hall and the employees are also really looking forward to the new building,’ says Markus Bürgi, summarising the current mood at Akustik & Raum AG. The good co-operation with Renggli AG also contributes to this. The company specialises in energy-efficient timber construction and was already involved in the planning of the new building.

A new era in the company's history begins in autumn 2025

Ruedi Emmenegger, project manager for the new building and production manager at Akustik & Raum AG, is optimistic about the next milestones: ‘The hall will be ready for the assembly of our systems in March, followed by the finishing touches until the start of production in autumn. It's an exciting time for everyone involved and the anticipation of the move is growing with each passing day.’ Markus Bürgi also confirms this: ‘The new building will allow us to significantly improve our general conditions - also with regard to large orders from Switzerland and Europe.’ In combination with the energy measures that will be implemented with the new building - including a 3500 m2 photovoltaic system on the roof - Akustik & Raum AG will be entering a new era next autumn.

Follow the construction progress live

Thanks to the construction site webcam of our project partner Renggli AG, you can follow the construction progress of our new building live at any time. Here you can follow what is happening on the construction site.
